Rocket Surgery for Brain Scientists

a.k.a Frontend Tooling


What is Frontend Tooling?

A collection of tools to help automate, speed up and improve developmet workflows.

What tools build these slides



On a good day

It's easy:

$ npm install
$ grunt watch

What does this provide us with?

  • sass
  • autoprefixr
  • uglify
  • cssmin
  • jshint
  • connect
  • qunit
  • watch
  • zip

Give us an idea of what tools we could use

CSS Test CSS Comb CSS Lint Autoprefixr CSS Shrink CSS Colorguard Linting Gulp Grunt Broccoli Brunch Emmet Pageres PerfMetrics WebPageTest Critical Path Iconizr Browserify Font-face render check PhantomJS Yeoman Sitespeed PerfMap Performance Budget Prettify Static Inline Regression Testing HTML Lint Watch Minification Concatenation Optimise Performance IE8 Linter Styleguide conformance Vulcanize UnCSS CSS Stats BackstopJS A11Y PerfBudget TMI

disclaimer: there are more, I just got bored!

## Type of tools * Build * Testing / Validation * Optimisation (CSS, JS, Images, Font) * Performance * Analysis / Stats * Design
**Also:** the tools to install & manage these tools… * Node.js * npm * Bower * …
# Build Things you are probably already doing
### Scaffolding [Yeoman]( provides you with a template which builds a working environment in one command: [Drupal theme generator]( [Hedley]( headless Drupal backend, Angular app client, Behat and PhantomCSS tests [Drupal profile generator](
### Code Linting ### Beautify / Prettify
### Minification ### Uglification
### Compiling everything ### Livereload
### Frameworks Bootstrap Foundation Web Starter Kit
### Styleguides & Documentation Automatically generated from code
### Images Generate sprites SVG fallpack images
# Testing / Validation
## Automated Browser testing * [Pageres]( Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions. A good way to make sure your websites are responsive. * [Browserify]( sync browsing & actions between devices
### Headless Browser engines PhantomJS: headless WebKit scriptable with Javascript
### Visual Regression testing Generate page screenshots with diff with every code change
### IE (*yeah I know*) * [ie8 linter]( * [Modern.IE Static Code Scan]( analyzes the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of a site or application for common coding issues.
## Code Reviews Highlight issues in your HTML, CSS, JS…
### CSS * [CSS Test]( The why and how of CSS testing * [Revenge]( Puts pink box & comic sans around your dirty work * [CSS Colorguard]( Keep a watchful eye on your css colors.
### JS * jsfmt * fixmyjs * jsinspect
### Accessibility * [a11y.css]( Roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet. * [a11y]( Easy accessibility audits powered by the Chrome Accessibility Tools.
### Drupal * [Gulp DrupalCS]( Portable Gulp tool that checks a Drupal installation for JavaScript and PHP syntax errors.
# Optimisation
## CSS * [CSS Comb]( Reorganises your CSS into defined order * [Autoprefixr]( * [UnCSS]( Removes unused CSS from your stylesheets
## Images * [TMI(Too Many Image)]( * [Grunt Image]( Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images
## Markup * [Grunt Static Inline]( Replace url from static files such as img,js,css an put inline in a template.
# Performance
## Page Speed * [PageSpeed ngrok]( Run mobile and desktop performance tests for your deployed site using Google PageSpeed Insights, uses grunt-pagespeed, psi and gpagespeed for local development environments.
## Performance Budgets * [Intro by Tim Kadlec](
## Performance Mapping * [PerfMap]( Front-end performance heatmap of resources loaded in the browser using the Resource [Timing API](
## Development Performance * [DevPerf]( Helps front-end developers to reach a good quality and good performances
# Analysis / Stats
## Browser Metrics * [Phantomas]( PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool * Page Speed Insights
## Code Stats * [CSS Stats]( * []( Review your Ruby, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and SCSS code for style guide violations with a trusty hound.
# Design
## Styleguides * []( * [Lonely Planet's rizzo](
## Pattern Library
## Visual Regression
This barely scratches the surface.
## People worth watching * [Sindre Sorhus]( * [Addy Osmani]( * [Chris Ruppel]( Great [Frontend Ops talk](
# Thank you!